Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Catastophe for the apostrophe!"

The abuse of apostrophes is already so great that this is a sad day (as reported by the Associated Press): England's second-largest city has decided to drop apostrophes from all its street signs, saying they're confusing and old-fashioned.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My mobility has been limited by foot surgery a month ago. But it's given me a chance to finish the first draft of my chapter book, now titled SAMMIE SHERMAN AND THE ROTTEN, STINKIN' BROWNIES. I've also finished rebuilding my website,, and I'm very happy with the changes I've made.If you stumble upon this blog, let me know what you think. I can easily make revisions and additions to it.

I also coordinated our school's author visit by Debby Garfinkle, writer of nine published books in the past three years (what an outstanding accomplishment!) Her Supernatural Rubber Chicken series for kids is laugh-out-loud funny, and she was a delight to work with.

Today, I'm working on an edit job for a single mom who's applying to law school. I've been moved to tears by her heartfelt essays, and hope that the minor editing changes I've suggested will improve her application and chances for admission. She's the type of person who should be a lawyer. Our world would be a better place for it.