Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rutgers One-on-One

I just received word that I've been accepted to the Rutgers One-on-One conference in October. I'm so excited! I'm hoping two of my Cyntenced to Write critique partners will be there as well. And my wonderful agent, Chris Richman of Upstart Crow Literary, is a mentor, so it will be nice to see him. Now to find out what airport is closest... I have absolutely no clue.

This is such good news, on the same week that Chris is submitting my chapter book manuscript to editors. Yay!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vacation pictures

I've made this blog inactive-- too busy with writing projects and so much freelance work that I can barely keep up. But... where else do I post my wonderful vacation photos? We just got back from Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks. I hadn't visited for more than twenty years, and it was just as beautiful as I'd remembered. Plus remarkably uncrowded, which is something I never expect in California.