Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Writing tip of the week

Super Tuesday! And for once, California's votes count -- a lot! It was thrilling to vote this morning. I can't remember the last time I felt so inspired and energized by a presidential election.

On my website, www.secondsetofeyes.com,
I've added a "Writing Tip of the Month." Sometimes it will be common grammar or spelling errors that people make. Other times I'll feature simple ways for people to improve their writing. When I worked in television news, I used to love to work with young producers and help teach them how to write tighter, more clearly, and more effectively. My website will give me a chance to do this in a different way.


Rachel Hamby said...

Great writing tip on your site, Cindy. I hope it sticks in my brain! I don't think I use 'whose' very often. It looks like a misspelled word! Would word recognize that error?

cwsherwoodedits said...

Hmm. Hard to say. Word seems pretty unreliable in what it catches for grammar. But I've never noticed any grammar mistakes in your writing, Rachel! Not to worry!